Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import select

import sys
import datetime
import time
import logging
import sqlalchemy as sa
import click
from cointrader import Base, engine, db
from cointrader.indicators import (
    WAIT, BUY, SELL, Signal, signal_map
from cointrader.exchanges.poloniex import ApiError
from cointrader.helpers import (
    render_bot_statistic, render_bot_tradelog,
    render_bot_title, render_signal_detail,

# Number of seconds the bot will wait for user input in automatic mode
# to reattach the bot

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def replay_tradelog(trades): btc = 0 amount = 0 for t in trades: if t.order_type == "INIT": btc = t.btc amount = t.amount elif t.order_type == "BUY": btc -= t.btc amount += t.amount else: btc += t.btc amount -= t.amount return btc, amount
[docs]def init_db(): Base.metadata.create_all(engine)
[docs]def load_bot(market, strategy, resolution, start, end): """Will load an existing bot from the database. While loading the bot will replay its trades from the trade log to set the available btc and coins for further trading. Beside the btc and amount of coins all other aspects of the coin like the time frame and strategy are defined by the user. They are not loaded from the database.""" try: bot = db.query(Cointrader).filter( == market._name).one()"Loading bot {} {}".format(, bot._market = market bot._strategy = strategy bot._resolution = resolution bot._start = start bot._end = end bot.strategy = str(strategy) btc, amount = replay_tradelog(bot.trades)"Loaded state from trade log: {} BTC {} COINS".format(btc, amount)) bot.btc = btc bot.amount = amount db.commit() return bot except sa.orm.exc.NoResultFound: return None
[docs]def create_bot(market, strategy, resolution, start, end, btc, amount): """Will create a new bot instance.""" bot = Cointrader(market, strategy, resolution, start, end)"Creating new bot {}".format( # Setup the bot with coins and BTC. if btc is None: balances = market._exchange.get_balance() btc = balances["BTC"]["quantity"] if amount is None: balances = market._exchange.get_balance() amount = balances[market.currency]["quantity"] bot.btc = btc bot.amount = amount chart = market.get_chart(resolution, start, end) rate = chart.get_first_point()["close"] date = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(chart.get_first_point()["date"]) trade = Trade(date, "INIT", 0, 0, market._name, rate, amount, 0, btc, 0) bot.trades.append(trade) db.add(bot) db.commit() return bot
[docs]def get_bot(market, strategy, resolution, start, end, btc, amount): """Will load or create a bot instance. The bot will operate with the given `resolution` on the `market` using the specified `strategy`. The `start` and `end` The bot is equipped with a specified `amount` of coins and `btc` for trading. If no btc or amount is specified (None), the bot will be initialised with *all* available coins on the given market. :market: :class:`Market` instance :strategy: :class:`Strategy` instance :resolution: Resolution in seconds the bot will operate on the market. :start: Datetime where the bot will start to operate :end: Datetime where the bot will end to operate :btc: Amount of BTC the Bot will be initialised with :amount: Amount of Coins (eg. Dash, Ripple) the Bot will be initialised with :returns: """ bot = load_bot(market, strategy, resolution, start, end) if bot is None: bot = create_bot(market, strategy, resolution, start, end, btc, amount) return bot
[docs]class Trade(Base): """All trades of cointrader are saved in the database. A trade can either be a BUY or SELL.""" __tablename__ = "trades" id = sa.Column(sa.Integer, primary_key=True) bot_id = sa.Column(sa.Integer, sa.ForeignKey('')) date = sa.Column(sa.DateTime, nullable=False, default=datetime.datetime.utcnow) order_type = sa.Column(sa.String, nullable=False) order_id = sa.Column(sa.Integer, nullable=False) trade_id = sa.Column(sa.Integer, nullable=False) market = sa.Column(sa.String, nullable=False) rate = sa.Column(sa.Float, nullable=False) amount = sa.Column(sa.Float, nullable=False) amount_taxed = sa.Column(sa.Float, nullable=False) btc = sa.Column(sa.Float, nullable=False) btc_taxed = sa.Column(sa.Float, nullable=False) def __init__(self, date, order_type, order_id, trade_id, market, rate, amount, amount_taxed, btc, btc_taxed): """Initialize a new trade log entry. :bot_id: ID of the bot which initiated the trade :date: Date of the order :order_id: ID of the order :order_type: Type of order. Can be either "BUY, SELL" :trade_id: ID of a single trade within the order :market: Currency_pair linke BTC_DASH :rate: Rate for the order :amount: How many coins sold :amount_taxed: How many coins bought (including fee) order :btc: How many payed on buy :btc_taxed: How many BTC get (including fee) from sell """ if not isinstance(date, datetime.datetime): = datetime.datetime.strptime(date, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") else: = date self.order_type = order_type self.order_id = order_id self.trade_id = trade_id = market self.rate = rate self.amount = amount self.amount_taxed = amount_taxed self.btc = btc self.btc_taxed = btc_taxed if self.order_type == "BUY":"{}: BUY {} @ {} paid -> {} BTC".format(, self.amount_taxed, self.rate, self.btc)) elif self.order_type == "SELL":"{}: SELL {} @ {} earned -> {} BTC".format(, self.amount, self.rate, self.btc_taxed)) else:"{}: INIT {} BTC {} COINS".format(, self.btc, self.amount))
[docs]class Cointrader(Base): """Cointrader""" __tablename__ = "bots" id = sa.Column(sa.Integer, primary_key=True) created = sa.Column(sa.DateTime, nullable=False, default=datetime.datetime.utcnow) active = sa.Column(sa.Boolean, nullable=False, default=True) market = sa.Column(sa.String, nullable=False) strategy = sa.Column(sa.String, nullable=False) automatic = sa.Column(sa.Boolean, nullable=False) trades = sa.orm.relationship("Trade") def __init__(self, market, strategy, resolution="30m", start=None, end=None, automatic=False): = market._name self.strategy = str(strategy) self.automatic = automatic self._market = market self._strategy = strategy self._resolution = resolution self._start = start self._end = end self.amount = 0 self.btc = 0 # The bot has either btc to buy or amount of coins to sell.
[docs] def get_last_sell(self): for t in self.trades[::-1]: if t.order_type == "SELL": return t
[docs] def get_last_buy(self): for t in self.trades[::-1]: if t.order_type == "BUY": return t
def _buy(self): result = # {u'orderNumber': u'101983568396', # u'resultingTrades': [{u'tradeID': u'10337029', # u'rate': u'0.01459299', # u'amount': u'0.01263972', # u'date': u'2017-08-28 19:51:50', # u'total': u'0.00018445', u'type': u'buy'}]} order_id = result["orderNumber"] order_type = "BUY" total_amount = 0 for t in result["resultingTrades"]: trade_id = t["tradeID"] date = t["date"] amount = t["amount"] total_amount += float(amount) rate = t["rate"] btc = t["total"] trade = Trade(date, order_type, order_id, trade_id, self._market._name, rate, 0, amount, self.btc, btc) self.trades.append(trade) # Finally set the internal state of the bot. BTC will be 0 after # buying but we now have some amount of coins. self.amount = total_amount self.btc = 0 self.state = 1 db.commit() def _sell(self): result = self._market.sell(self.amount) # {u'orderNumber': u'101984509454', # u'resultingTrades': [{u'tradeID': u'10337105', # u'rate': u'0.01458758', # u'amount': u'0.01263972', # u'date': u'2017-08-28 19:57:51', # u'total': u'0.00018438', # u'type': u'sell'}]} order_id = result["orderNumber"] order_type = "SELL" total_btc = 0 for t in result["resultingTrades"]: trade_id = t["tradeID"] date = t["date"] amount = t["amount"] rate = t["rate"] btc = t["total"] total_btc += float(btc) trade = Trade(date, order_type, order_id, trade_id, self._market._name, rate, self.amount, amount, 0, btc) self.trades.append(trade) # Finally set the internal state of the bot. Amount will be 0 after # selling but we now have some BTC. self.state = 0 self.amount = 0 self.btc = total_btc db.commit()
[docs] def stat(self, delete_trades=False): """Returns a dictionary with some statistic of the performance of the bot. Performance means how good cointrader performs in comparison to the market movement. Market movement is measured by looking at the start- and end rate of the chart. The performance of cointrader is measured by looking at the start and end value of the trade. These values are also multiplied with the start and end rate. So if cointrader does some good decisions and increases eater btc or amount of coins of the bot the performance should be better.""" chart = self._market.get_chart(self._resolution, self._start, self._end) first = chart.get_first_point() market_start_rate = first["close"] start_date = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(first["date"]) last = chart.get_last_point() market_end_rate = last["close"] end_date = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(last["date"]) # Set start value for trade in self.trades: if trade.order_type == "INIT": trader_start_btc = trade.btc trader_start_amount = trade.amount market_start_btc = trade.btc market_start_amount = trade.amount trader_end_btc = trader_start_btc trader_end_amount = trader_start_amount for trade in self.trades: if trade.order_type == "BUY": trader_end_amount += trade.amount_taxed trader_end_btc -= trade.btc elif trade.order_type == "SELL": trader_end_btc += trade.btc_taxed trader_end_amount -= trade.amount trader_start_value = trader_start_btc + trader_start_amount * market_start_rate market_start_value = trader_start_value trader_end_value = trader_end_btc + trader_end_amount * market_end_rate market_end_value = market_start_btc + market_start_amount * market_end_rate trader_profit = trader_end_value - trader_start_value market_profit = market_end_value - market_start_value stat = { "start": start_date, "end": end_date, "market_start_value": market_start_value, "market_end_value": market_end_value, "profit_chart": market_profit / market_end_value * 100, "trader_start_value": trader_start_value, "trader_end_value": trader_end_value, "profit_cointrader": trader_profit / trader_end_value * 100, } if delete_trades: for trade in self.trades: db.delete(trade) db.commit() return stat
def _in_time(self, date): return (self._start is None or self._start <= date) and (self._end is None or date <= self._end) def _get_interval(self, automatic, backtest): # Set number of seconds to wait until the bot again call for a # trading signal. This defaults to the resolution of the bot # which is provided on initialisation. if automatic and not backtest: interval = self._market._exchange.resolution2seconds(self._resolution) else: interval = 0 return interval def _handle_signal(self, signal): if signal.value == BUY and self.btc and self._in_time( self._buy() elif signal.value == SELL and self.amount and self._in_time( self._sell()
[docs] def start(self, backtest=False, automatic=False): """Start the bot and begin trading with given amount of BTC. The bot will trigger a analysis of the chart every N seconds. The default number of seconds is set on initialisation using the `resolution` option. You can overwrite this setting by using the `interval` option. By setting the `backtest` option the trade will be simulated on real chart data. This is useful for testing to see how good your strategy performs. :btc: Amount of BTC to start trading with :backtest: Simulate trading on historic chart data on the given market. :returns: None """ interval = self._get_interval(automatic, backtest) while 1: chart = self._market.get_chart(self._resolution, self._start, self._end) signal = self._strategy.signal(chart) log.debug("{} {}".format(, signal_map[signal.value])) if not automatic: click.echo(render_bot_title(self, self._market, chart)) click.echo(render_signal_detail(signal)) options = [] if self.btc: options.append(('b', 'Buy')) if self.amount: options.append(('s', 'Sell')) options.append(('l', 'Tradelog')) options.append(('p', 'Performance of bot')) if not automatic: options.append(('d', 'Detach')) options.append(('q', 'Quit')) click.echo(render_user_options(options)) c = click.getchar() if c == 'b' and self.btc: # btc = click.prompt('BTC', default=self.self.btc) if click.confirm('Buy for {} btc?'.format(self.btc)): signal = Signal(BUY, datetime.datetime.utcnow()) elif c == 's' and self.amount: # amount = click.prompt('Amount', default=self.self.amount) if click.confirm('Sell {}?'.format(self.amount)): signal = Signal(SELL, datetime.datetime.utcnow()) elif c == 'l': click.echo(render_bot_tradelog(self.trades)) elif c == 'p': click.echo(render_bot_statistic(self.stat())) elif c == 'd': automatic = True"Bot detached") elif c == 'q':"Bot stopped") sys.exit(0) else: signal = Signal(WAIT, datetime.datetime.utcnow()) if automatic: click.echo("Press 'A' with in the next {} secods to reattach the bot.".format(TIMEOUT)) i, o, e =[sys.stdin], [], [], TIMEOUT) if (i): value = sys.stdin.readline().strip() print(value) if value == "A": automatic = False if signal: try: self._handle_signal(signal) except ApiError as ex: log.error("Can not place order: {}".format(ex.message)) if backtest: if not self._market.continue_backtest():"Backtest finished") break time.sleep(interval)