Source code for cointrader.chart

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import io
import pandas
import datetime
from stockstats import StockDataFrame

[docs]def chart2csv(chart): out = [] header = "date,amount,close,high,low,open,volume" out.append(header) for cs in chart: out.append("{},{},{},{},{},{},{}".format(cs["date"], "", cs["close"], cs["high"], cs["low"], cs["open"], cs["volume"])) return u"\n".join(out)
[docs]def search_chartdata_by_date(data, dt, le=True): ts = (dt - datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1)).total_seconds() chart_item = data[0] for d in data: if d["date"] <= ts: chart_item = d else: break return chart_item
[docs]class Chart(object): """The chart provides a unified interface to the chart data. It also gives access so some common indicators like macd, sma and ema. The `data` is provided as list of dictionaries where each dictionary represents a single set of data per point in the chart:: { u'date': 1500112800, u'open': 0.07132169, u'close': 0.07162004, u'high': 0.07172972, u'low': 0.07114623, u'volume': 7.49372245, u'quoteVolume': 104.69114835, u'weightedAverage': 0.07157933, } The `start` and `end` datetimes define the relevant timeframe of the chart for later profit calculations. This date range is needed as the chart itself cointains more more datapoints than within the given date range. This is because we need more data to ensure that indicators like ema and sma provide sensefull values right on from the begin of the timeframe. So there must be more data available before the start. """ def __init__(self, data, start, end): """Will build a chart instance from the given raw data input. :data: List of datapoints as dictionary. :start: Datetime object. :end: Datetime object. """ self._data = data self._start = start self._end = end self._stock = StockDataFrame.retype(pandas.read_csv(io.StringIO(chart2csv(data)))) @property def data(self): return self._data @property def date(self): return self._data[-1]["date"] @property def close(self): return self._data[-1]["close"]
[docs] def get_first_point(self): return search_chartdata_by_date(, self._start)
[docs] def get_last_point(self): return search_chartdata_by_date(, self._end)
[docs] def values(self, which="close"): return [(v["date"], v[which]) for v in self._data]
################ # Indicators # ################
[docs] def macdh(self): macdh = self._stock.get("macdh") return macdh.tolist()
[docs] def sma(self, window=10): sma = self._stock.get("close_{}_sma".format(window)) return sma.tolist()
[docs] def ema(self, window=10): ema = self._stock.get("close_{}_ema".format(window)) return ema.tolist()